Capitol Hill Day

Sign Up for Capitol Hill Day!

CADCA’s Capitol Hill Day is one of the most exciting parts of the National Leadership Forum! It is your opportunity to meet with your members of Congress (2 Senators and 1 member of the House of Representatives) to discuss national substance use prevention policy priorities as well as substance use issues in your community. All participants in Capitol Hill Day must be registered for CADCA’s National Leadership Forum. CAPITOL HILL DAY MEETINGS WILL BE FULLY IN-PERSON THIS YEAR!

Share Your Prevention Success with Your Congressional Delegation

During Forum, CADCA encourages you to tell members of your congressional delegation and/or their key staffers about what your coalition is accomplishing in substance use and misuse prevention during Capitol Hill Day on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.

To participate in Capitol Hill Day, you must be registered to attend all four days of CADCA’s National Leadership Forum from February 3-6, 2025. When you register for Forum, you will be asked if you are interested in attending Capitol Hill Day. If you indicate “Yes”, CADCA’s Public Policy team will begin working to schedule your Capitol Hill Day meetings.

CADCA’s Public Policy team needs to schedule all your meetings, as this minimizes the potential for duplication and overlap, which is critical to maintaining good relationships on Capitol Hill.

In order to maximize your chances of getting Capitol Hill meetings with your entire Congressional delegation, please register for Capitol Hill Day by January 24, 2025. For questions, please contact CADCA’s Public Policy team at

Please click the button below to register for Forum and select “Yes” when asked if you would like to participate in Capitol Hill Day.

Register for Forum Capitol Hill Day